the story of a man with 4 wives
there was a man who had 4 wives
For his first wife, he loved her the most.
They were together all the time,
and he gave her whatever she wanted.
For his second wife,he loved her much
and he was willing to do anything for her
and tried to meet her so very frequently.
For his third wife, he loved her less than the first two,
but he took care of her and met her sometimes.
For the 4th wife, he had never cared,
never tried to visit, and never thought about her.
One day, this man committed a serious crime
and was sentenced to death.
Before he died, he begged to go home
to say good bye to the first wife
whom he loved the most.
His request was granted.
Once he reached home,
he immediately went to see his first wife
and told her all the story.
He asked her what she would do if he died.
The first wife answered with her cold voice:
'If you die, then we are over.'
Her answer made him so sad, so he realised that
he should not have loved her that much.
Then, the man went to the second wife
and asked her with the same question:
'What would you do if I die?'
The second wife answered him without any feeling:
'If you die, I will find a new husband.'
Again, the man was so disappointed and regreted
that he should not have loved her that much.
With deep sorrow, he went to see his third wife
and asked her with the same question.
The third wife answered:
'If you die, I will see you and be with you
until your last breath.'
This answer from his third wife made him feel better
as at least there was someone who was sincere to him.
And finally, he reminded that he had another wife
whom he had never thought of or visited,
so he went to see her for the last time
and asked her with the same question.
The 4th wife answered that if he died
she would also die to follow him.
Instead of making the man feel happy,
he became so sad and felt regret that
he should have treated her better
but now it was too late.
...then the man went back and received his death sentence....
when he died, the 4th wife also died to follow him...
In our life, everyone has 4 wives.....
The question is who are these 4 wives.
The first wife is our physical body.
When we are alive we will give our body
with foods and good things, whatever our needs are.
But once we die, we cannot take our body with us.
The 2nd wife is money and wealth.
When we are alive, we try so hard to get it.
But once we die, those money and wealth no longer belong to us.
They got transferred to someone else.
The 3rd wife is our family -parents, spouse,children, relatives.
Once we die, they can only arrange a funeral for us.
The 4th wife is the goods and bads we did while we're alive.
These followed us even after we died.
So now you see, money is not the most important thing in life.
It does not mean that money is not important,
but just that it is not the 'most' important.
Don’t forget there there're many things apart from money
that worth our attention while we are alive!!!!